Body Disorders


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Ingredient Name : Vetiveria zizanioides Nash.

Bengali Name : Khaskhas

Chinese Name : Xiang-Geng-chao

English Name : Cuscus Grass, Vetiver, Khus-Khus

French Name : V�tiver

German Name : Vetivergras, Mottenwurzel

Gujarati Name : Sugandhi Valo, Valo

Hindi Name : Khus, Veeran Mool

Kannada Name : Mudival, Baladaberu, Lamanch, Bala Deberu

Latin name : Vetiveria zizanioides Nash.

Marathi Name : Vala

Persian Name : Khusdana Resha

Punjabi Name : Khus

Sanskrit Name : Usheera, Sugandhimula, Veeranam

Urdu Name : Khus


The root is antibilious, antiseptic, bitter, brain tonic, cardiotonic, carminative in flatulence, colic and obstinate vomiting. It is also regarded as an antibacterial, aromatic, blood purifier, cooling, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, refrigerant, stimulant, stomachic and when applied externally, it removes excess heat from the body and gives a cooling effect. Strengthens the heart and is useful in palpitation and syncope.

Recommended Dosage: 3 to 6 g powder of dried roots.

Contraindication: This herb has no known warnings or contraindications.