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Disorder Name : Cardiovascular Disorders


Heart disease is the commonly used phrase for a number of disorders affecting both the heart and blood vessels. A more apt term is cardiovascular disease. It is a leading cause of death and illness that affects millions of people worldwide.

Functions of the cardiovascular system include (1) transporting nutrients to cells, (2) removing waste products through the intestines and other excretory organs, and (3) pumping oxygenated blood from the heart via the arteries and returning deoxygenated blood via the veins. The cardiovascular system works in tandem with the respiratory and nervous systems. It works with the respiratory system by taking the oxygen inhaled into the lungs to the rest of the body, and delivering carbon dioxide from the body to the lungs for expulsion. Impulses from the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems help regulate the heartbeat.

The heart is a cone-shaped organ, about the size of a clenched fist. Contrary to popular belief, the heart is not on the left side of the chest; it is almost central, but its most prominent pulsation is felt beneath the left nipple. It pumps blood throughout the body and averages 70 beats per minute in an average adult. This is accomplished via nerve impulses and contractions of muscles. The heart is loosely enclosed in a fibrous, protective, bag-like enclosure called the pericardium. The heart is comprised of 4 chambers. The top portion houses the atrium, of which there are right and left valves. The bottom portion of the heart contains the chamber known as the ventricle, of which there are also right and left valves.

Cardiovascular disease comprises of several symptoms and disorders; coronary artery disease (including arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, angina and myocardial infarction), hypertension, rheumatic heart disease and congenital heart disease. Coronary artery disease is the most frequent cause of death from cardiovascular disease.

In modern system of medicine, the drugs often used in the treatment are antiarrhythmics, antihypertensives, antiadrenergics, diuretics, antianginals and anticoagulants.

These drugs are effective but have a number of side effects like severe headaches, mild constipation, shortness of breath, dizziness, loss of appetite, heartburn etc. In chronic cases, the treatment is obviously prolonged. The herbal system has a number of medicines that not only provide symptomatic relief but attacks the root cause without any known side effects. Dehlvi Naturals has many useful preparations to treat cardiovascular disorders.
