Body Disorders


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Ingredient Name : Serpent Stone

Arabic Name : Hajar al-hayya

Chinese Name : She wen yan

English Name : Serpentine

French Name : Serpentin

German Name : Serpentin, Schlangenstein

Hindi Name : Jaharmohra

Latin name : Serpent Stone

Persian Name : Faad Zahar Madni

Sanskrit Name : Gorochana, Nagapashana

Urdu Name : Zahar Mohra


It is a cardiac, liver tonic and nervine. It is also astringent and deobstruent. It is used in cholera, obstinate vomiting, diarrhoea in children, palpitation, weakness of heart, sexual debility and in profuse or troublesome and painful menstruation.

Recommended Dosage: 1 g mehlool (fine powder).

Contraindication: This mineral has no known warnings or contraindications.