Body Disorders


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Ingredient Name : Satureja hortensis Linn.

Arabic Name : Nadagh, Sa’tar

Chinese Name : Hsiang pa ho

English Name : Summer Savory

French Name : Sarriette des jardins, Savourée

German Name : Bohnenkraut, Kölle, Pfefferkraut, Weinkraut

Hindi Name : Satar

Latin name : Satureja hortensis Linn.

Persian Name : Aushan, Marzeh

Urdu Name : Satar Farsi


It is antiseptic, aromatic, astringent, carminative, diaphoretic, digestive, emmenagogue, expectorant, stimulant and stomachic. It settles wind and stimulates digestion, helping to alleviate flatulence and colic. It is warming and has been given for chest infections, bronchitis and sore throat. Also useful in menstrual disorders like amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea, menorrhagia and metritis.

Recommended Dosage: 5 to 7 g powder.

Contraindication: This herb is not recommended during pregnancy.