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Arabic Name : Safarjal (Fruit), Habb al-safarjal (Seeds)
Chinese Name : Wen po
English Name : Quince Seeds
French Name : Graines de Coing
German Name : Quitte
Hindi Name : Behi (Fruit), Behidana (Seed)
Kannada Name : Simodalibe (Seeds)
Kashmiri Name : Bum Chunt (Fruit), Bum Chunt Beool (Seeds)
Latin name : Pyrus cydonia Linn.
Persian Name : Tukhme Safarjal, Behidana (Seeds)
Sanskrit Name : Amritphala (Fruit)
Urdu Name : Behi (Fruit), Behidana (Seeds)
The seeds are anticatarrhal, antiinflammatory, antipyretic, antitussive, astringent, cardiac, cephalic, demulcent, diuretic, expectorant, laxative, mucilaginous, restorative and tonic. The seeds contain significant quantities of mucilage and thus are helpful in bronchitis, cough, tuberculosis and sore throat. Also effective against inflammation of the mucous membranes, intestines and stomach.
Recommended Dosage: 3 to 9 g powder of dried seeds and 30 to 40 g of soaked seeds.
Contraindication: The seeds have no known warnings or contraindications.