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Arabic Name : Kerasia
Chinese Name : Ou Zhou Suan Ying Tao
English Name : Sour Cherry, Morello Cherry, Pie Cherry, Tart Cherry
French Name : Cerisier Acide, Griottier
German Name : Sauerkirsche, Sauerkirschenbaum, Weichsel
Latin name : Prunus cerasus Linn.
Persian Name : Aloobaloo-e-Shirin, Aloobooali
Punjabi Name : Aolchi, Glass
Urdu Name : Aloobaloo
The fruit is a good source of Vitamin C. Induces excessive urination and is useful in kidney stone.
Anthocyanins, the pigment giving sub metabolite of flavonid present in the fruit has a strong antioxidant, antiinflammatory activity. As such possible rule in oxidative stress, as cancer adjuvant, aging and conditions requiring aspirin (Dr Firoz Ahmad, J&K)
Recommended Dosage: 5 to 10 g.
Contraindication: None