Body Disorders


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Ingredient Name : Pinus longifolia Roxb.

Arabic Name : Sanawbar Hindee

Bengali Name : Saralgaach

Chinese Name : Chang ye song

English Name : Long-leaved Pine, Chir Pine, Three-leaved Pine

French Name : Pin a longues

German Name : Chir-Kiefer

Gujarati Name : Berjo

Hindi Name : Saral, Cheer, Chir Gond, Gandha Biroza (Oleo-resin)

Kannada Name : Oveshtak

Latin name : Pinus longifolia Roxb.

Marathi Name : Saraldeek

Persian Name : Samaghe Sanobar, Kaaz

Sanskrit Name : Sarala Drava, Srivasa

Urdu Name : Behroza


The oleo-raisin is used with success as an acrid, anodyne, antiinflammatory, antiseptic, aromatic, bitter, demulcent, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, purgative, stimulant and stomachic. It is given in gleet, long-standing gonorrhoea and in similar affections of the genitourinary organs.

The oil obtained from the chir pine is valued as a rubefacient in various rheumatic affections, lumbago, arthritis and neuralgia. The oil is also useful in treating minor aches and pains.

Recommended Dosage: 2 to 4 g oleo-raisin; Oil : For external application only.

Contraindication: The oleo-raisin is contraindicated in bronchial asthma and whooping cough. The oil has no known warnings or contraindications.