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Ingredient Name : Pinus gerardiana Wall.

Arabic Name : Arz, Sanawbar Dhakar, Habb al-sanawbar, Jillawdh

English Name : Edible Pine, Neosa Pine, Chilghoza Pine

French Name : Pin Comestible

German Name : Sumpfkiefer

Gujarati Name : Chilgoza, Galgoja

Hindi Name : Chilghoza

Kashmiri Name : Jalgoz’e

Latin name : Pinus gerardiana Wall.

Marathi Name : Chilgoza, Galgoja

Persian Name : Tukhme Sanobar

Punjabi Name : Mirri, Gogajal

Urdu Name : Chilghoza


The fruit is anodyne, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, diuretic, nutritive, stimulant and tonic. Useful in seminal debility, common cold, influenza, cough and asthma. Along with honey it is effective in phlegmatic cough.

Recommended Dosage: 7 to 10 g fruit.

Contraindication: Persons allergic to tree nuts should not use Edible Pine.