Body Disorders


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Ingredients List :

Ingredient Name : Pheretima sp.

Arabic Name : Kharateen, ‘Uraq a-’ard, Shahmat al-’ard

Chinese Name : Di long

English Name : Earthworm

French Name : Lombric, Ver de terre

German Name : Regenwurm

Hindi Name : Kechuah

Kashmiri Name : Bomsaennae

Latin name : Pheretima sp.

Persian Name : Zaghaar, Kirm Gile Khurd, Kirm Zameen

Sanskrit Name : Bhoonag

Urdu Name : Kharateen


It is a powerful stimulant and an aphrodisiac.

Recommended Dosage: 1 to 3 g musaffa (cleaned) powder.

Contraindication: This has no known warnings or contraindications.