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Ingredient Name : Melia azadirachta Linn.

Arabic Name : Neem

Bengali Name : Nim, Nimgach

Chinese Name : Lian shu, Ku lian, Lian zao zi

English Name : Indian Lilac, Neem, Margosa

French Name : Azadirachta de l�lnde

German Name : Niembaum, Neembaum, Nimbaum

Gujarati Name : Limbro

Hindi Name : Neem, Nimb

Kannada Name : Bevu, Bevinamar

Kashmiri Name : Neem

Latin name : Melia azadirachta Linn.

Marathi Name : Nimb, Limb, Kadunimb, Balantanimb

Persian Name : Azad Darakhte Hindi

Punjabi Name : Nimb, Nim

Sanskrit Name : Nimba, Nimbaka

Urdu Name : Neem, Neeb


Medical properties of Neem have been known to Indians since time immemorial. The earliest Sanskrit medical writings refer to the benefits of Neems fruits, seeds, oil, leaves, roots and barks. Each of these has been used in the Indian Ayurvedic and Unani systems of medicines.

Neem provides an answer to many incurable diseases. Neem has alterative, anthelmintic, antibacterial, antiemetic, antifungal, antiinflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, astringent (bark), bitter, emmenagogue (leaf), febrifuge, hypoglycemic, immune stimulant and vermifuge properties.

In India, neem is sometimes called �the village pharmacy.� Over 100 pharmacologically active substances have been identified in this plant, and it has many traditional applications. It is bitter, astringent, alterative, antifungal and antibacterial. One of the most powerful blood purifiers and detoxifiers in Herbal usage, Neem is often used to maintain healthy skin. Traditionally Neem has been used against heat-rash, acne, pimples, skin blemishes, boils, wounds, leprosy, skin disorders, leucoderma, stomach ulcers, chicken pox, etc. Its alterative properties help to clean, purify, and detoxify the blood, with a special effect also seen in liver conditions such as jaundice.

There is plenty of scientific backup for Neem�s immune enhancement properties as a booster of the macrophage�s effectiveness. Scientific studies indicate that Neem boosts the immune system by energising lymphocytes cells to respond to infection and other challenges to the body�s immunity. Modern research also confirms Neems curative powers in case of many diseases and provides indications that Neem might in future be used much more widely.

Traditionally, Indians have applied Neem Oil on the skin. Neem oil contains fatty acids which build collagen, promote wound healing and maintain skin�s elasticity.

Since there has never been a report of the topical application of Neem causing an adverse side effect, this is a common procedure to help skin ailments or allergic reactions.

The neem leaf has been shown to have activity that suppresses the fungi that cause athlete�s foot, ringworm, and Candida. Seed oil and aqueous leaf extracts have been used to treat jock itch, another fungal infection. The oil and leaf extract may be applied externally in the form of lotions and soaps. Leaf preparations may also be used internally for the detoxification properties. Poultices made from the leaf have antiseptic and astringent properties that treat wounds and boils.

Perhaps one of the most interesting claims for neem is for the prevention and treatment of malaria. Leaf extracts are said to have the same effectiveness as quinine and chloroquine, the conventional medications that are used. Some studies show that even chloroquine-resistant strains of malaria are sensitive to neem, particularly a component called Irodin A.

Some studies show that neem can lower blood sugar levels. It has traditionally been used in Indian medicine for diabetes, and research with animals confirms this potential. Neem is an approved medication for the treatment of diabetes in India. Several forms of the supplement, including leaf extracts and teas, have been shown to have beneficial effects on reducing blood sugar.

There are several components of neem that may make it valuable in the treatment of both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It is a proven antiinflammatory that decreases histamine and other mediators of inflammation in the body. Some of the important chemicals in neem that contribute to this effect are nimbidin, limonoids, and catechin. Warmed neem oil is also recommended for external use to reduce pain and inflammation in affected joints.

Recommended Dosage: Leaf : 1 to 3 g powder; Stem-Bark : 2 to 4 g powder; Dried Fruit : 6 to 10 g powder; Oil : 5 to 10 drops

Contraindication: This herb should not be taken by anyone who is pregnant or trying to conceive (male or female) or to children under 12 years of age.