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Arabic Name : Turbud
Bengali Name : Teudi, Tvuri
Chinese Name : Fan shu
English Name : Turpeth Root, Indian Jalap
French Name : Turbith Vegetal
German Name : Indische Jalape, Turpethwurzel
Gujarati Name : Nasottar
Hindi Name : Nisot, Nisoth, Nishoth, Pithori
Kannada Name : Vili Tigade
Latin name : Ipomoea turpethum R. Br.
Marathi Name : Shetvad, Nishotar, Tend
Persian Name : Turbud
Punjabi Name : Chitabansa, Nisoth
Sanskrit Name : Kalaparni, Nishotra, Triputa, Trivruth
Urdu Name : Turbud Safed, Nisoth
The root-bark of white variety of Turpeth is powerful purgative and used to facilitate bowel evacuation in the most dramatic cases of constipation. It is so strong that it must be combined with such other herbs as ginger, licorice, or some other digestive stimulant. It is occasionally used in colic and pain in the intestinal region, dysentery, colitis, arthritis, paralysis, hemiplegia and rheumatism. Also useful in sluggish liver, jaundice, obesity, cough and asthma. It is also successfully employed in cases of dropsy due to heart, kidney or liver disease.
Recommended Dosage: 3 to 5 g powder of root-bark.
Contraindication: This herb has no known warnings or contraindications.