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Arabic Name : Habb al-neel
Bengali Name : Kaladanh, Nilkalmi
Chinese Name : Ch’ien niu tzu, Pai ch’ou, Hei ch’ou
English Name : Japanese Morning Glory, Pharbitis Seeds
French Name : Graines De Pharbitis
German Name : Blaue Prunkwinde
Gujarati Name : Kala Dana, Mak
Hindi Name : Kala Dana, Nilkalmi, Jharmarich, Kaladana
Kannada Name : Gouribija
Latin name : Ipomoea nil Linn.
Marathi Name : Kala Dana, Mak, Nil Pushpi
Persian Name : Tukhme Neel, Tukhme Kabook, Kaladana
Punjabi Name : Bildi
Sanskrit Name : Krishan Beej, Shyam Beej, Krishnabija
Urdu Name : Kaladana, Habbul Neel
The seed is acrid, anthelmintic, antifungal, antispasmodic, blood purifier, cathartic, diuretic, laxative and purgative. It is used as a purgative in cases of gastric disorders, constipation, headache and worms. It is also useful in flatulence, oedema, ascites, fever, arthritis, rheumatism and gout.
Recommended Dosage: 3 to 5 g powder of dried seeds.
Contraindication: This herb has no known warnings or contraindications.