Body Disorders


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Ingredient Name : Goat's Testis Powder

Arabic Name : Khusia Buz

Chinese Name : Yang kau

English Name : Goat's Testis Powder

French Name : Poudre du Testicule de Ia Chèvre

German Name : Pulver vom Ziegenhoden

Latin name : Goat's Testis Powder

Urdu Name : Khusia


It is a testosterone replacement therapy in male hypogonadal disorders and infertility due to disorders of spermatogenesis. Fulfils the hopes of childless couples by increasing the secretion of semen and sperm count thereby removing sexual debility and improving motility and morphology of sperms. May be indicated in osteoporosis due to androgen.

Recommended Dosage: 1 g dried powder.

Contraindication: This is contraindicated in suspected or diagnosed prostate cancer (where PSA is elevated), male breast cancer and obstructive sleep apnea, unless treated before therapy.