Body Disorders


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Ingredient Name : Ferroso-Ferric Oxide

Arabic Name : Khabth al-hadeed

Chinese Name : T’ieh hsui

English Name : Iron Rust

French Name : Rouille en fer

German Name : Eisenoxid, Rost

Hindi Name : Loha ka zang

Latin name : Ferroso-Ferric Oxide

Persian Name : Zange Ahan

Sanskrit Name : Mandur

Urdu Name : Khabsul Hadid


The Bhasma (Calx) is prepared by purifying and calcinating iron rust. It is especially useful in anaemia, jaundice, piles, oedema associated with liver disorders, amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia, chlorosis, etc. Also useful in diarrhoea, chronic bowel complaints, dyspepsia, intestinal worms and nervous diseases, neuralgia of the 5th nerve due to debility, diabetes, incontinence of urine, albuminuria, etc. It is found most effective in liver disorders. As it improves the funtional quality of most of the organs of the body it is, therefore, a valuable general tonic.

Recommended Dosage: 60 mg. of Kushta/Bhasma (Calx.)

Contraindication: This mineral has no known warnings or contraindications.