Body Disorders


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Ingredient Name : Dolichos biflorus Linn.

Arabic Name : Habbul Qillat, Habbul Qulth

Bengali Name : Kulatta, Kalaya, Kulti

Chinese Name : Bian dou

English Name : Horse-Gram

French Name : Dolic-a-deux Fleurs

German Name : Zwillingsblume

Gujarati Name : Kalthi, Kulthi

Hindi Name : Kulathi, Kulti, Kurthi

Kannada Name : Huruli, Hurali, Hulge

Kashmiri Name : Krothe

Latin name : Dolichos biflorus Linn.

Marathi Name : Kulthi, Hulga, Kuleeth

Persian Name : Sange Shikan

Sanskrit Name : Kulatha, Kulastha, Khalakula, Vardhipatraka

Urdu Name : Kulthi


Seeds are antipyretic, astringent, deobstruent, diuretic, emmenagogue, laxative, lithotriptic, stomachic and tonic. Employed to reduce obesity and is also useful in kidney stone and oedema. Given to females during parturition to promote discharge of the lochia. Also used in leucorrhoea and menstrual derangements.

Recommended Dosage: 3 to 5 g powder of dry seeds.

Contraindication: This herb has no known warnings or contraindications.