Body Disorders


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Ingredient Name : Cypraea moneta Linn.

Chinese Name : Shou mu li

English Name : Porcelaneous Shells, Cowry, Pearl Oyster Shell

French Name : Porcelaneous Ecale

German Name : Kaurischnecke

Hindi Name : Cowri, Seep

Latin name : Cypraea moneta Linn.

Persian Name : Khar Mohra, Gosh Mahi

Sanskrit Name : Varatika

Urdu Name : Sadaf


The Bhasma (Calx) is antacid, alterative, bitter and expectorant. Given as a calcium supplement, for instance to strengthen the gums and teeth, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, restlessness, insomnia, tinnitus, night sweats, fevers, indigestion, dyspepsia, jaundice, enlarged spleen and liver, asthma and cough. It is also given in scalding and gonorrhoea. Also useful in nocturnal emissions, spermatorrhoea and leucorrhoea.

Recommended Dosage: 60 mg to 120 mg of Calcined Shell (Kushta/Bhasma).

Contraindication: The shells have no known warnings or contraindications.