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Arabic Name : Katheera, Haloosiyaa
Bengali Name : Katila
English Name : Indian or Country Tragacanth
French Name : Gomme Adragante
German Name : Cochlospermum gossypium-Gummi, Kutira-Gummi
Hindi Name : Katira Gond, Katira
Kannada Name : Barugadamara
Latin name : Cochlospermum gossypium DC.
Persian Name : Koon, Katira
Urdu Name : Gond Katira
The gum is adaptogenic, astringent and demulcent. It is useful in cough, tuberculosis, hoarse throat and scalding in urine. Also useful in diarrhoea and dysentery. It also stimulates the immune system.
Recommended Dosage: 1 to 3 g powder.
Contraindication: This gum has no known warnings or contraindications.