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Ingredient Name : Centipeda minima Linn.

Arabic Name : Kundush

Bengali Name : Nakchikni, Mechitta

Chinese Name : E bu shi cao

English Name : Sneezewort, Sneezeweed

French Name : d’s aigrettes

German Name : Kleine Centipede

Gujarati Name : Chhikani, Nakshikani

Hindi Name : Kundush, Nakchikni, Newari

Latin name : Centipeda minima Linn.

Marathi Name : Nakasinkani, Shikani

Persian Name : Bekhe Gazran

Sanskrit Name : Chikkana, Chikkni, Chikika

Urdu Name : Nakchikni


It is anodyne, antitussive, depurative, diuretic and stimulates blood circulation. When inhaled it induces sneezing and so it is used to relieve nasal congestion, especially during coughs and colds, in ozena, and in headaches. It is also useful in paralysis, joint pain and sexual debility.

Recommended Dosage: 1 to 3 g powder of whole plant.

Contraindication: This herb has no known warnings or contraindications.