Body Disorders


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Ingredient Name : Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn.

Arabic Name : Laflaf, Habb al-qulqul

Bengali Name : Nayaphataki, Jyotishmati

Chinese Name : Tao ti ling

English Name : Heartseed, Balloon Vine, Love-in-a-Puff

French Name : Pois-de-coeur

German Name : Herzsame, Ballonrebe

Gujarati Name : Bodha, Kapaalphodi, Nayaphatki, Shivajaala, Karodio

Hindi Name : Kanphata, Kanputi, Kanphuti, Kapalphoti

Kannada Name : Kanakayya

Latin name : Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn.

Marathi Name : Fatphati, Kaanphuti

Persian Name : Habbul Qilqil

Punjabi Name : Habul Kalkal

Sanskrit Name : Karavi, Karnaspota, Kakadni, Indravalli, Lataphatki

Urdu Name : Habbul Qilqil


The seeds are antibacterial, antiinflammatory, aphrodisiac, diaphoretic, diuretic, emetic, emmenagogue, laxative, refrigerant, rubefacient, stomachic and sudorific. Useful in rheumatism, stiffness of the limbs, nervousness, haemorrhoids, chronic bronchitis, phthisis and sexual and seminal debility. Also useful in eczema, blisters, dry skin and itch.

Externally useful in rheumatism and lumbago.

Recommended Dosage: 5 to 7 g powder of dried seeds.

Contraindication: This herb has no known warnings or contraindications.