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Arabic Name : Lubaan, Kundur
Bengali Name : Luban, Salai Dhoop
Chinese Name : Fan hun shu
English Name : Boswellia, Indian Frankincense, Indian Olibanum
French Name : Arbre à encens de l’Inde
German Name : Weihrauch, Indischer Weihrauchbaum, Olibanum
Gujarati Name : Shaledum, Saleda, Saladi
Hindi Name : Kundur, Salai, Salai-guggul, Laban
Kannada Name : Madimar, Chilakdupa, Maddi
Latin name : Boswellia serrata Roxb.
Marathi Name : Salai Cha Deek
Persian Name : Kundur
Punjabi Name : Salai Gond
Sanskrit Name : Shallaki, Kunduru
Urdu Name : Kundur, Loban
Medical investigations have shown that the gum-oleoresin, known as ‘salai guggul’, is beneficial in cases of rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and ulcerative colitis with no side effects as those seen with traditional drugs of choice. Boswellia was also found to improve blood supply to the joints and restore integrity of vessels weakened by spasm.
According to a review of unpublished studies, preliminary double-blind trials have found boswellia effective in relieving the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Two placebo-controlled studies, involving a total of 81 individuals with rheumatoid arthritis, reported significant reductions in swelling and pain over the course of 3 months.
In one study conducted at the Government Medical College in Jammu, India, nearly 60 percent of arthritic patients tested experienced good to excellent results against stiffness and pain. Over three-quarters of the patients in the study were either bedridden or incapacitated from doing normal work. Within two to four weeks after starting on the B. serrata extract, they reported a lessening of morning joint stiffness, pain, and improved grip strength. In another study of 26 patients suffering from arthritic knees, dramatic improvement was experienced within four weeks.
A German review published in 2002 documents the effectiveness of boswellic acids in treating arthritis, chronic ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, bronchial asthma and reactive swelling around a brain tumour, as shown by clinical trials.
Experimental and clinical usage of boswellia indicates it has none of the side effects on blood pressure, heart rate of the gastric irritation and ulcers associated with many antiinflammatory and antiarthritic drugs. It is now an approved herbal medicine in India for use against osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, soft tissue rheumatism, low back pain, myositis and fibrositis.
Animal studies have suggested that boswellia lowers cholesterol and triglyceride (a type of fat) levels in the blood. In other controlled human studies, boswellia was shown to decrease the duration of bronchial asthma, possibly by blocking formation of the chemicals that cause the blood vessels to contract. Also has shown to be effective in epilepsy.
Traditional ayurvedic medicine has also used the gummy resin from the boswellia tree to treat diarrhoea, dysentery, lung disease and worms.
Recommended Dosage: 1 to 3 g powder of purified exudate.
Contraindication: The gum is not recommended for young children, pregnant or nursing women, or those with severe liver or kidney disease. Rare cases of nausea, diarrhoea or allergic skin rash have been reported as side effects.