Body Disorders


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Ingredient Name : Benincasa cerifera Savi.

Arabic Name : Qar’ Sham’ee

Bengali Name : Chal Kumra, Makta

Chinese Name : Dong gua, Tung kua, Pai kua, Ti chih

English Name : Wax Gourd, Ash Gourd, White Gourd, Winter Melon

French Name : calebassier, courge à la cire, courge cireuse

German Name : Wachskürbis, Wachsgurke, Wintermelone

Gujarati Name : Kohala

Hindi Name : Petha, Kohala, Gol Kaddu, Chal Kumra, Pethakaddu

Kannada Name : Boodagumbala, Sandigumbala

Latin name : Benincasa cerifera Savi.

Marathi Name : Kohla

Persian Name : Kaddu-e-Roomi

Sanskrit Name : Kusmanda

Urdu Name : Petha


The fruit is anthelmintic, antiperiodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, demulcent, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, laxative, nervine tonic, nutritive, styptic and tonic. It is used in the treatment of lung diseases, asthma, cough, etc. Recent research has shown that the fruits contain anticancer terpenes. Also useful in haemoptysis and other haermorrhages from internal organs. It is highly nutritious food in wasting diseases as pulmonary consumption. Also useful in epilepsy, insanity, peptic ulcer, ulceration of the lungs, hoarseness, etc.

Recommended Dosage: 5 to 7 g. seeds.

Contraindication: This fruit has no known warnings or contraindications.