Body Disorders


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Ingredients List :

Ingredient Name : Aurum

Arabic Name : Dhahab

Bengali Name : Sonar

Chinese Name : Huang jin

English Name : Gold

French Name : Geld

German Name : Gold

Gujarati Name : Sonum

Hindi Name : Sona

Kannada Name : Hondu, Chinna

Kashmiri Name : Son

Latin name : Aurum

Marathi Name : Sona

Persian Name : Zar, Tila

Sanskrit Name : Swarn

Urdu Name : Sona, Tila


Gold and Gold Ash (Bhasma) are nervine and aphrodisiac, antiinflammatory, tonic, resolvent, emmenagogue and alterative. They strengthen the chief organs of the body. They increase strength and beauty, improve intellect and memory, clear the voice, increase the rigidity of the male sex organ and increase sexual powers. Also stimulates the activity of the stomach and of the skin and kidneys. They also increase the flow of menses in women and also increase the formation of pure and healthy blood.

Useful in general debility, loss of appetite, fevers, consumption, insanity, nervousness, hysteria, epilepsy, leprosy, asthma, amenorrhoea, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, sterility, habitual miscarriage, metritis, syphilis and scrofula. It also increases quantity and quality of semen. Also useful in palpitation, melancholia, insanity, spermatorrhoea and nocturnal emission.

Recommended Dosage: Kushta/Bhasma (Gold Ash) : 30 to 60 mg.

Contraindication: This mineral has no known warnings or contraindications.