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Arabic Name : Fidda
Bengali Name : Rupa
English Name : Silver
French Name : Arzgent
German Name : Silber
Gujarati Name : Rupun
Hindi Name : Chandi
Kannada Name : Belli
Kashmiri Name : Rop
Latin name : Argentum
Marathi Name : Chandi
Persian Name : Seem, Nuqra
Sanskrit Name : Rajata, Rupya
Urdu Name : Chandi
Silver leaf and Bhasma (Calx) are tonic, stimulant and aphrodisiac. Silver is astringent, demulcent, cool, purgative, emetic, constipative and alleviative of wind and bile.
It is highly recommended in excessive heat in the body, fever, phthisis, chest affections, erectile dysfunction and seminal debility Also useful in heartburn, chronic diarrhoea and in uterine diseases like leucorrhoea, menorrhagia, etc. and in irritability of the uterus. Strengthens the heart, brain, liver and stomach. Useful in palpitation, melancholia, insanity, nocturnal emission, hydrospermia and spermatorrhoea.
Recommended Dosage: Kushta/Bhasma (Calx.) : 60 to 125 mg.
Contraindication: This mineral is contraindicated during pregnancy.