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Arabic Name : Nushaadur, Nushaadir
Bengali Name : Navasagara, Nishadal
Chinese Name : Nao sha
English Name : Sal Ammoniac
French Name : Sal Gomme Ammoniaque
German Name : Salmiak, Ammoniumchlorid
Gujarati Name : Navsagar
Hindi Name : Navasadara, Nousadar
Kannada Name : Navsagar
Latin name : Ammonii chloridum
Marathi Name : Navsagar
Persian Name : Naushadar
Punjabi Name : Noshadar
Sanskrit Name : Navasara, Navasagara, Chulika lavana
Urdu Name : Naushadar
It is alterative, expectorant and cholagogue in small doses and in large doses it is purgative. It has a marked stimulating action on the mucous membranes, increasing their secretion. It relieves hepatic congestion and modifies hepatic secretions. It is useful in cases of hepatic abscess, chronic hepatic congestion and oedema connected with liver and ovarian diseases, cirrhosis and in jaundice.
It is also useful in flatulence, catarrh, chronic pharyngitis and whooping cough. It has a beneficial effect in amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, gleet, leucorrhoea and chronic dysentery.
Recommended Dosage: 250 mg to 1 g.
Contraindication: This mineral has no known warnings or contraindications.