Body Disorders


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Ingredient Name : Alumen

Arabic Name : Shabb, Hajar Ahatees

Bengali Name : Phatkiri

Chinese Name : Ming fan, Bai fan

English Name : Alum

French Name : Alun

German Name : Alaun

Gujarati Name : Phatkari

Hindi Name : Phitkari

Kannada Name : Phatikara

Kashmiri Name : Phatker

Latin name : Alumen

Marathi Name : Turati, Phatki

Persian Name : Zaak Safed, Shabe Yemani

Sanskrit Name : Sphatikari, Tuvari

Urdu Name : Phitkari


Is antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, haemostatic and styptic. It is irritant and purgative in large doses and emetic in repeated doses. Useful in fluxes of the respiratory passages with profuse ropy mucous phlegm, relaxed or ulcerated sore-throat, whooping cough, aphonia and atony of the larynx. Also useful in leucorrhoea, gonorrhoea, diarrhoea, dysentery, haematuria, piles and haemoptysis and has a potent healing effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Locally it is applied in diphtheria, croup and pharyngitis.

Recommended Dosage: 250 mg to 500 mg powder.

Contraindication: This mineral has no known warnings or contraindications.