
Word Meaning
Abortifacient The drug that induces early expulsion of a nonviable foetus.
Absorbent The drug that destroys acidity in the stomach and bowels and produces absorption or exudation of diseased tissues.
Acrid The drug that produces irritation, as of tongue, etc.
Adaptogen The drug that helps the body ‘rise’ to stress situations, thus preventing many chronic degenerative diseases.
Adaptogenic An agent that adapts itself to respond to the body’s needs, for example, lavender is adaptogenic and will relax you if you need to be relaxed, or invigorates you if you are tired.
Adjuvant A substance included in a prescription to aid the action of a given drug.
Adrenal tonic A drug that strengthens and nourishes the adrenal glands.
Alexipharmic The drug that neutralises a poison.
Alterative A drug that gradually and favourably alters the condition of the body and increases health and vitality. It was at one time known as a ‘blood cleanser’.
Amoebicide The drug which kills amoebae.
Anabolic A drug that builds muscles and tissues of the body.
Anaesthetic A drug that temporarily reduces or takes away sensation, usually so that otherwise painful procedures or surgery can be performed.
Analgesic The drug that relieves pain by lessening the excitability of the nerves and nerve centres and is applied externally or taken internally, Anodyne.
Anaphrodisiac A drug that decreases or allays the sexual feeling or desire.
Androgenic A drug that increases levels of the hormone androgen.
Anesthetic A drug that deadens sensation.
Anhydrotic A drug that reduces perspiration.
Anodyne Analgesic
Antacid The drug that neutralises excess acidity of the gastric juices.
Anthelmintic A substance that causes the destruction or elimination of intestinal worms from the digestive system, Vermifuge.
Antiallergenic A drug that relieves the symptoms of allergies.
Antiarthritic A drug that relieves the inflammation of arthritis and protects the joints from further degeneration.
Antiasthmatic The agent which prevents or lessens asthma.
Antibacterial The drug which destroys bacteria.
Antibilious The drugs or agents which are useful in removing excess bile and thus aiding biliary and jaundice conditions.
Antibiotic A drug that inhibits the growth of, or destroys, bacteria, viruses or amoebas.
Anticarcinogenic An agent that retards or prevents the development of cancer cells.
Anticatarrhal An agent which prevents the inflammation of a mucous membrane and checks the flow of mucus.
Anticholesterolemic A drug that lowers blood cholesterol levels.
Anticoagulant The drug which prevents or retards clotting of blood.
Anticonvulsant A drug that reduces the frequency and severity of seizures.
Antidepressant A drug that supports the nervous system and alleviates depression.
Antidiabetic A drug that helps a person with diabetes control thier level of glucose (sugar) in the blood.
Antidiarrhoeal A drug that naturals diarrhoea.
Antidote A remedy which counteracts or neutralises the action of a poison.
Antiemetic An agent which reduces the feeling of nausea and helps to relieve or to prevent vomiting.
Antifungal The drug which destroys fungi.
Antihistamine An agent that reduces the body’s production of antiinflammatory histamines:
Antihydrotic An agent that prevents or decreases prespiration.
Antihyperglycemic An agent that counteracts high levels of glucose in the blood.
Antihypertensive A drug which reduces high blood pressure.
Antiinflammatory A drug that reduces or prevents inflammations.
Antimicrobial A drug that helps the body to destroy or resist pathogenic microorganisms.
Antioxidant A drug or agent that prevents cell degeneration and decay.
Antiparasitic A drug that destroys or inhibits the growth and reproduction of parasites.
Antiperiodic An agent which prevents the periodic return of a disease.
Antiphlegmatic An agent which prevents or lessens the phlegmatic condition.
Antipyretic An agent which is cooling to the system and allays or reduces fever.
Antirheumatic A drug that relieves rheumatic pain and stiffness in joints and muscles.
Antiscorbutic An agent or drug that prevents scurvy.
Antiseptic A drug that prevents the growth of disease-causing microorganisms, e.g. bacteria, without causing damage to living tissue. It is applied to wounds to cleans them and prevent infection.
Antisialagogue An agent that prevents or counteracts the formation or flow of saliva.
Antispasmodic An agent used to calming nervous and muscular spasms, convulsions or cramps.
Antitumor An agent that reduces tumors.
Antitussive A drug that controls or prevents cough.
Antiviral A drug that inhibits viral replication.
Aperient A herb that produces mild laxative effects which soften the stools without purging.
Aphrodisiac An agent which promotes sexual power and desire.
Appetiser The drug that stimulates appetite.
Aromatic A substance that has an aroma and is mildly stimulant to the digestive system.
Astringent An agent which contracts tissues and blood vessels to arrest bleeding and other discharges. Often contain tannins.
Word Meaning
Bitter A drug that is bitter-tasting and is used to improve appetite or digestion by stimulating the secretion of saliva and gastric juices. Often considered cooling and drying.
Bronchodilator A drug that relaxes the bronchial muscles, thus facilitating breathing.
Word Meaning
Calmnative An agent that has a sedative effect.
Cardiac A drug which has some effect on the heart.
Cardiac Stimulant The drug which maintains an efficient circulation by improving the heart’s activity when it becomes weak to perform its function.
Cardioprotective A drug that protects heart function.
Cardiotonic A drug that keeps the heart functioning normally.
Cardiovascular stimulant A drug that stimulates the heart and circulatory system.
Carminative Calming or soothing medicines that act by relieving pain in the stomach and bowel and expel flatulence and gas from the stomach or intestines by increasing or regulating peristalsis.
Cathartic The drug which induces active movement and evacuation of bowels. The action is harsher than that of a laxative.
Cephalic A drug that has an effect upon the head, such as relieving headcahe or improving memory.
Cerebral tonic A drug that strengthens and nourishes brain function.
Cholagogue The drug which stimulates the action of liver, empties the gall bladder, promotes or increases the secretion or excretion of bile into the small intestine. It also has a laxative effect on the digestive system.
Circulatory stimulant A drug that increases circulation throughout the body.
Concoctive The drug that has the power of digestive or ripening.
Cooling A substance that reduces the temperature and cools the skin.
Cordial A drug that stimulates good health or the feeling of good health.
Counterirritant A drug that counteracts irritations.
Word Meaning
Decongestant A drug that decreases swelling and congestion.
Demulcent A slippery, mucilaginous fluid which allays irritation and soothe inflammation, especially of mucous membranes. The soothing action may be helpful in relieving coughs.
Deobstruent A medicine that removes functional obstructions of the body.
Depurative A drug that purifies and cleanses the blood.
Detergent An agent that acts similarly to soap.
Diaphoretic An agent which aids the skin in the elimination of toxins and induces perspiration.
Digestive An agent that assists the stomach and intestines in normal digestion.
Disinfectant A drug that lessens the activity of microbes.
Diuretic An agent which stimulates the kidneys and increases secretion and discharge of urine.
Word Meaning
Emetic A drug that induces vomiting and causes the stomach to empty.
Emmenagogues The drugs, which by their stimulating action on the uterine fibre, directly assist in increasing or restoring disordered menstruation when deficient or absent. The term is also used in the wider context of naturals that act as tonics to the female reprodu
Emollient An agent which softens irritated tissues and soothe and protect skin or mucous membrane. It is applied externally to the skin.
Estrogenic A drug that increases the production of estrogen.
Exhilarant A drug that excites or enlivens the psychic funtion.
Expectorant The drug which facilitates discharge of excess amounts of mucus phlegm from lungs and throat.
Word Meaning
Febrifuge The drug which abates and reduces fevers; an Antipyretic.
Word Meaning
Galactagogue An agent that promotes secretion and flow of breast milk in nursing mothers.
Germicide A drug that kills germs.
Word Meaning
Haematinic An agent which is required for the production of red blood cell and its constituents.
Haemostatic Any agent which arrests internal bleeding.
Hepatic A substance that tones the liver and aids its functions. Increases the flow of bile from the liver. Used in the treatment of jaundice and hepatitis.
Hepatoprotective A drug that has a protective effect upon the liver.
Hypertensive A drug that elevates blood pressure.
Hypnotic A drug or substance that induces sleep (not a hypnotic trance).
Hypocholesteremic A drug used to lower plasma cholesterol levels.
Hypoglycemic The drug that leads to the reduction in the level of glucose in the body.
Hypolipidemic The drug that lowers abnormally high plasma concentrations of cholesterol or triglycerides or both.
Hypotensive A drug that lowers blood pressure.
Word Meaning
Immune tonic A drug that nourishes and strengthens the immune system.
Immunostimulant The drug that stimulates and enhances the body’s immune defences.
Word Meaning
Lactagogue Galactagogue.
Laxative A substance that is taken to evacuate the bowel or soften stools.
Lithontriptic or Lithotriptic A medicine supposed to possess the power of dissolving urinary and gall bladder calculi.
Liver stimulate A drug that increases circulation to and activity in the liver.
Word Meaning
Mucilaginous A substance that encourages the body to create more mucus.
Mucolytic A drug that reduces the stickiness of mucus.
Mydriatic A compound that causes dilation of the pupil.
Word Meaning
Narcotic A drug that leads to drowsiness, sleep or stupor and total loss of awareness.
Nervine The drug that calms nervous excitement or acts favourably on the nervous system, may also relax or sedate.
Neuroprotective A drug that protects the nervous system.
Nutritive A substance that is nourishing to the body and aids in building and toning of the body.
Word Meaning
Oestrogenic An agent that helps in promoting hormones by the ovaries.
Ophthalmic A drug that treats and prevents eye disorders and improves vision.
Oxytocic A drug that stimulates contraction of the uterine muscle, facilitating or speeding up childbirth.
Word Meaning
Pectoral A term applied to drugs that are naturals in treating chest and lung complaints.
Phytoestrogenic A drug that contains the raw material to help the body produce its own estrogen.
Purgative A medicine producing intestinal evacuation. They normally have a more severe effect than aperients or laxatives.
Word Meaning
Refrigerants Medicines having cooling properties which suppress an unnatural heat of the body.
Rejuvenative The drugs that regenerates cells and tissues and promotes longevity.
Relaxant A term applied to drugs that calm the muscles.
Resolvent The drug which causes the absorption of inflammatory or other swellings.
Restorative An agent that helps strengthen and revive the body systems, strengthens and promotes well-being after illness.
Rubefacient An agent which, when applied to the skin, causes redness. Stimulates blood flow to the skin.
Word Meaning
Sedative A drug that lessens tension, anxiety and soothes overexcitement of the nervous system and produces sleep.
Sialagogue An agent which increases the secretion of saliva from the salivary glands and thus aids in the digestion of starches.
Spermatogenetic The drug that increases the formation and development of sperms.
Stimulant The drug or agent that increases the activity of an organ or system within the body, increases energy.
Stomachic An agent which promotes digestion and improves appetite.
Styptic An astringent that arrests bleeding by blood vessel contraction or by causing rapid blood clotting.
Sudorific An agent which causes or induces perspiration.
Word Meaning
Thermogenic The drug that produces heat.
Tonic Substances that are traditionally thought to give strength and vigour to the body and that are said to produce a feeling of well-being.
Word Meaning
Uterotonic An agent that tones, strengthens and invigorates the uterus or the entire organism giving a feeling of well-being.
Word Meaning
Vasodilator An agent that promotes circulation and relaxes blood vessels.
Vermifuge An agent which expel intestinal worms, though it may not cause their death.
Vulnerary An agent which is used to cure wounds.